Thursday, 19 November 2015

Neuro Training at Cairns Sports Performance Clinic

FaceBook by Rob Gronbeck

"I train athletes using a 3D multiple  object tracking system called NeuroTracker (this is not an ad I assure you). The program tests & trains 4 different types of attention & visual processing speed. The best team-sports athletes are the best at this task and my clients and I have greatly improved our sports performances as a result of the NT. So... :)

My FocusBand + Neurotracker experiment:

Step 1) My clients and I performed our regular NT training session (5 - 6 mins) scoring near our own current plateau/ceiling scores.
Step 2) My clients and I did 5 - 8 minutes of FocusBand Mental Energy Tank (up to 300 - 800 MET).
Step 3) My clients and I all immediately began another NT training session (lasting 5 - 6 minutes).

Result: In 4/5 times I have conducted this process my clients and I have all resulted in significantly improved scores... bonafide PBs.

Discussion: While a small sample size, it appears getting into a 'high Mushin state' (80) for a short period of time (5-8 mins) prior to perceptual-cognitive tasks such as NT may lead to greater positive performances and enhanced attentional & visual tracking abilities in athletes (and likely non-athletes as well).

VERY NICE WORK GRAHAM & HENRY & THE TEAM at FOCUSBAND on such an elegant design and piece of equipment!!"

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