Friday, 6 January 2017


Research has shown,  the biological and physiological benefits of meditation.
If you suffer from physical, mental, emotional stress, or illness, this is for you. All of us at one point in time, suffer from stress, anxiety, depression, blood pressure .. you name  it.

We would like to introduce you to the FocusBand. - a modern Neurofeedback system,  that will assist you to meditate in no time at all.You simply focus on the avatar or the tones, with the intention to switch them on. Your brain knows that this means you are in  a calm state,  so it is  able to learn  to change states.

The Focus Band  meditation sessions, enables you to reduce the inner voice chatter and calm the mind, so that you draw from the power inside of you. and less,  from outside of you.We have incredible strength in our mind and in our own bodies
The Focus Band will let you access that strength, so that you are able to handle any difficulties, or challenges, that life has to offer.
Download the free FocusBand from the App Store

Deepak Chopra announces FocusBand will be ..

Deepak Chopra announced via live periscope today the use of the FocusBand for sports, yoga and meditation.

Jason Goldsmith will head up the sports segment with Deepak himself doing the Meditation.

Eddy Stern will head up the Yoga platform. Eddy is know for his involvement with many of the celebrities that have taken yoga on board

The FocusBand will enable Deepak's clients to now quantify and validate their training sessions.
Over time their results can be downloaded from the Cloud to monitor their progress.

Breathing is one of the key elements Deepak teaches and again the FocusBand  will be able to train the client to find a comfortable breathing rhythm which they can train with.

Sustained breathing rhythms reduce HRV ( Heart Rate Variability)  a major factor to consider for a healthy body and brain.

Deepak stated that the three platforms ( sport, yoga and meditation) will be rolled out over the next moth via their platform

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Use Your Noggin - Like Jason Day

By now, you've probably noticed Jason Day's pre-shot routine. Day flutters his eyes open and closed behind the ball(right) while taking a deep breath before stepping into nearly every shot. It might look odd but it has a purpose. It's the result of Day's work in controlling brain activity using an app-based product called FocusBand.
When you wear the company's headgear and hit a golf shot, sensors record what's going on in your head - namely, are you focused or are you distracted?
The device was invented in 2009 by the Australian father and son team of Graham and Henry Boulton to help train athletes in all sports get into what is commonly known as the zone", or as the Boulton's call it, a "state of no-mindedness or Mushin". The goal? Training your mind to perform the process of each swing without having to consciously think about the routine or the outcome as you perform it.
The FocusBand app displays your brain score after each shot - known as the Mushin Factor - and gives you easy to decipher feedback on how well you were able to clear your mind by using colour-coded images of the brain. Shades of red indicate loss of focus, green means you are in the zone.
Adding to its golf application is a partnership with the launch monitor company, FlightScope. You can analyse your brain activity alongside with your swing data with its VX app.
It's fascinating to see if there is a correlation between how you felt about your swing, the result of the shot and whether the app indicates your mind was clear. This might help explain the age-old frustration of why you hit it great on the range but struggle on the course. Your brain is getting in the way. - Stephen Hennessey