Tuesday, 4 August 2015

3 Massive Mistakes even “PGA Tour Players” make that keep them frustrated about the “Driver “

We have a Audio recording of Henry Boulton and Jason Goldsmith,  

The FocusBand Performance Directors discussing common problems

PGA Tour players have on the tee box and the mystery ball,  what

caused these and then a simple solution you can try yourself next time

you are out on course.  


3 Mistakes even PGA Tour Players make with Driver
1.  Don't Commit to the shot 
2.  Intellect asks second question over the ball  
3.  Lack of Target Awareness 

#1 Doubt on the Tee box  
The voice in your head is in overdrive, trying to sabbotage your routine you
are stuck in the rut letting the left brain try and run the  show and it can't.  

Source of the problem:
-  Not committed to the shot they were trying to hit 
-  Second questions by the intellect over the ball 

Once they eliminated these problems in their shot routine   
This would free up the body and allow them to hit further and straighter

 #2 The Mystery Ball 
The ball that can literally go 2 fairways across off the tee, leaving you scratching
your head,  is it possible I completely lost all idea on how to hit a driver?  
Source of the problem:
-  Lack of awareness of the target 
-  No longer have a clear intent of what you want to do 
-  Intellect gets involved again “the oh no don't hit it left"


By allowing their awareness to get back on what was relevant
i.e The Target and the Ball  
The mystery ball went away, and they hit it further and straighter

We used the FocusBand to train players how to experience the
Mushin State (right brain) that helped them overcome these problems
using Audio-visual feedback during the shot routine on-course during
practice rounds.     

Simple Tip 
What you can do next time you are on the Tee box 
1.  Try asking yourself a good question when your on the Tee 
      Example   "What would I good high draw look like"

2.  Let your brain answer the question

3.  Don't answer it with language allow the visual to come to you as an image 

4.  Complete your shot routine, and see how it goes.  

Good luck for your next round of golf 

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please visit www.focusband.com
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